Europe Calling - A Collection of Paintings

展覽 Exhibition | Europe Calling—A Collection of Paintings
藝術家 Artists | Blanca Amorós, Eunji Seo, Eva Blanché, Felix, Rehfeld, Jiyun Cheon, Lisa Wright, Manuel Rumpf, Marc Desgrandchamps, Michael Sistig, Nikos Aslanidis, Norbert Tadeusz, Tom Schulhauser, Uwe Kowski
展期 Duration | 2019. 11.23 (六) -12.15(日)
開幕 Opening | 2019. 11.23 (六) 4 pm
地點 Venue | 也趣藝廊 | 臺北市民族西路141號
聯絡 Contact | | 02-2599-1171


今年11月也趣藝廊,將為台灣藝術愛好者呈現難得一見且具國際性與學術性的展覽 - 「Europe Calling—A Collection of Paintings」,本展將以新的敘述方式描繪歐洲當下的時代面貌。集結了13位來自不同世代、擁有不同主張的歐洲藝術家,從引領當代潮流的德國新萊比錫畫派到法國具象,甚至帶有古典味的巴洛克風格藉以勾勒幅度更寬、格局更廣的歐洲當代藝術面貌!

This November, AKI is pleased to present a group exhibition, “Europe Calling—A Collection of Paintings”, which contains thirteen different generations of European artists with various forms of arts. From the German New Leipzig paintings which lead the contemporary trend, to French figurative and the classical Baroque style, this exhibition will lead us to explore a magnificent concept of contemporary art in Europe.

也趣藝廊AKI Gallery / 103台北市大同區民族西路141號

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~ 2019/12/15 18:30(+0800) End of Sale
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